Submit a Gallery Exhibition Proposal

Do you have a proposal for an exhibition? CEPA Gallery’s Artistic Advisory Committee meets quarterly in March, June, September, and December to review exhibition proposals.

Please carefully and correctly fill out every required field. If you have any questions, please contact Sophie Barner, CEPA’s Assistant Curator & Gallery Manager, at

    *Required fields

    Your Contact Info

    Proposed Exhibition

    Your Exhibition Proposal

    After completing the above information, please submit your exhibition proposal in one singular PDF format (PDF document should not exceed 25 MB). (Please see this tutorial for instructions on how to adjust PDF file size.)

    The PDF should be labeled as "Artist - Exhibition Working Title" and MUST include the following:

    • Short Proposal Description (no more than 500 words)

    • Exhibition Description (no word limit)

    • Artist(s)/Curator (if applicable) Biography (no more than 250 words each)

    • Artist(s) Resume/CV

    • Images of Artwork (images should be clearly labeled)

    The exhibition proposal may include:

    • Ideas for additional programming and events (i.e., gallery talks, corresponding performances, relevant workshop ideas, etc.)

    • Exhibition/Curatorial Statement

    • Budget

    Additional Info

    Please feel free to share any additional relevant info, comments, or questions.