
An exhibition of images by Kenmore East High School Photography students, in partnership with the CEPA Gallery’s Education Program.

In September, Kenmore East Photography students came to CEPA to view the exhibition “Transformational Imagemaking; Handmade Photography Since 1960” curated by Robert Hirsch. After viewing the exhibition the students developed individual themes for their own photographic pieces, and shot several rolls of black and white 35 mm and 120 film. They brought their developed film to CEPA in October for a day of workshops in the darkroom and digital lab with teacher Denise Carr and CEPA Education Director Lauren Tent.

The idea behind the workshops was to give the students a chance to explore the darkroom in a variety of ways. The “Transformational Imagemaking” exhibition included many artists using photography in unusual and nontraditional ways. The instructors wanted to push the students out of the traditional with their work, and explore more possibilities. During their visit, the students created a Polaroid transfer, a digital painting with light image, a 16 x 20 darkroom print from their Holga camera (120) film, a magazine cover photogram, and a Liquid Light print. Curator Robert Hirsch visited the students in their classroom to help them with the editing process and choose the best work for the exhibition.

The aim of this project was to introduce students to arts organizations and work with practicing artists in a studio setting. When students can apply what they have learned in a classroom setting to situations outside of school, authentic learning truly takes place. The students assisted in all aspects of the project, from creating the works to hanging up the photographs here at CEPA. What you see displayed is just a sampling of images by the participating students.

This project was generously funded by a grant from Target.

Exhibit Location

CEPA Gallery
Focus (Basement)
617 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14203

Exhibit Dates

Saturday, January 30, 2015
March 28, 2015

Free to the public

Exhibit Times

7 p.m. – 10 p.m.