Sherry Arndt Preziuso proudly resides in Buffalo, New York, with her husband, Giovanni, daughter Rhea and their beloved family pet, Meatball. Born in Erie Pennsylvania as an Army Brat, Preziuso quickly learned to adapt to many moves from country to country and city to city. With the ever-changing landscape of location, personalities and cultures, she became interested in the psychology of the human experience.
In 1998, Preziuso obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. This interest and love of the human experience has parlayed into her artwork as you see it today.
In 2009, Preziuso began her journey into the art world working with international artists and mentor, Mark DiVincenzo. In 2015, shortly after giving birth to her daughter, Preziuso started to show her work professionally.
This exhibition is accompanied by a small catalog with an introduction written by Mark Lavatelli.