“Cole Pawlowski: All-Black Paintings
The “All-Black Paintings” are born out of my desire to privilege process over product. These works represent a significant change in my chosen values as an artist, because prior to this series, I focused so much on the goal of completing the work, I didn’t leave myself much room to experience joy or satisfaction with what I was doing, while I was doing it; I came to feel like I was missing an important point. Since I only allowed myself to feel accomplished if I liked the artwork in the end, nearly the entire duration of my art-making was spent avoiding the present moment and believing my delayed gratification would eventually pay off. Through reflecting on how much I fixated on the future and how little attention I gave to experiencing the now, I decided to make more space for mindfulness in my day to day life and creative practice.
Regarding process, I painted some hunched over or laying out on the studio floor, while others were made while being walked on and around while barefoot in the grassy backyard. I made myself slow down and notice things that really rooted me in the present: the sound of the wind and birds, the spongy, cool ground, and how good it felt to stand up and stretch after sitting still in one position. Tapping into these sensations helped me be more connected than ever with what I’m making, and I’m feeling like a more authentic artist for it.