October 9, 2024 Open Facilities Night at CEPA
Buffalo, NY, – October 9, 2024 –
Come create with us! Join us for our first Open Facilities Night on Friday, November 1st from 6:30-9:00 PM. Here is everything you need to know before you get here.
• When you arrive please enter through the Main Street entrance. If you arrive after open gallery hours, after 7:00pm, please call us at (716) 856-2717.
• Participants will be able to work in the darkroom. Chemistry is provided, but please bring your own paper! (If you need paper, we will provide it to you for $20 lab fee or you can also sign up for a membership). It is preferred if those who attend have some basic darkroom knowledge already. For those new to the darkroom, please check out some of our darkroom I & II courses or you can set up an appointment for one-on-one tutorials on our website.
• Collaging and zine making will be taking place in the classroom area. If you have anything you can donate (magazines, stickers, craft paper, small doodads) please feel free to bring! The more the merrier. Otherwise, materials will all be provided.
• Participants will be able to work in our computer lab to scan film and work in the Adobe Suite. However, we are unable to accommodate digital printing.
• While the majority of Open Facilities Night will be taking place in the classroom areas and darkroom, people are welcome to work in the lighting studio if they have the experience to do so.
To register, please fill out the google form listed here.
Can’t make it? Don’t worry! We will be hosting an Open Facilities Night monthly. We hope to see you there and stay tuned for further upcoming open facilities nights at CEPA!